4 - Loving Discipline

Discipline together for spiritual stamina!

  1. Instill value for holiness

Why does holiness matter?

  • It matters to Jesus.
  • It’s God’s best for us.
  • It’s how we fellowship with God.

The struggle to conquer sin is worth it!

  1. Provide correction for sin

The goal is correction and growth, NOT punishment!
Discipline is painful but purposeful! (Proverbs 23:13-14, Hebrews 12:11)
Discipline is done with utmost love! (Proverbs 3:12, 13:24)
Discipline targets the heart! (Proverbs 4:23, 22:15)

  1. Give support for endurance

Will you choose EASIER, or BETTER?
Cultivate passion for what matters, with love and joy!
Discipline can be corrective or instructive, but always formative.
Drive your children as a caring coach!


Discussion questions available here.