Discipline is not fun, but painful (both for children and for parents)! But we must see the greater purpose of discipline, and step up to fulfill our purpose of training in our children's lives, to help them grow in valuing what matters and learning patterns that will help them for a lifetime!
Life is the best object lesson! As parents, doing life together with our children and facing the day side-by-side gives us great opportunities to speak into their lives, helping them to see life through the Word of God without making everything a formal Bible study.
Without a solid foundation, we are on shaky ground! Many people are building their lives on sand, instead of the rock... We have the opportunity to help our children to establish their lives on a foundation that will hold them through the storms of this life and all eternity!
It may be tempting to treat children as inconveniences... even the disciples didn't want Jesus to be bothered by the children, so that He could focus on more important things! But Jesus insisted, "Let the children come!"
Our children are our disciples, our apprentices... Adults In Training (AITs). We have a limited amount of time before we commission them, sending them out on their own to navigate life as adults. With that sending mindset, we must intentionally prepare them, equipping them to own their faith for themselves!
May it never be that we negatively influence children or others with our hypocritical behavior! We must live sincerely in order to best represent Christ to the next generation. Jesus' charge not to judge must be properly understood in its context, that we beware of hypocrisy but willingly and lovingly give and receive correction - a call to every Christian and to every parent!
The battle against sin is overwhelming, exhausting, and heartbreaking - especially when we recognize the magnitude and prevalence of sin in our lives! But even as we struggle, we can struggle together, and struggle forward, with no condemnation in Christ, but hope and help in the gospel for us to keep growing, and guide our children in this truth as well!
The Book of Proverbs describes two paths - one of life and godliness, and one of sin and destruction. The world's way is attractive but destructive! We need God's Word to navigate life, and we must equip the next generation to find wisdom and direction from God's Word!
Whether we realize it or not, we are worshiping something! All of life is worship. We must offer ourselves, our whole selves, to God, for His perfect will, and our joy! And we get to forge this path together with the next generation, to help them in the path of a life of worship!
Sharing the gospel involves sharing our lives! So discipleship involves a parental-like engagement with one another that invests with love and boldness. This includes our investment in the children among us at church, engaging them with affection for their growth.