Contemplating Easter

“Then Jesus bowed his head and died.”  My son gasped.  Each night we read to our children from our children’s Bible, and the timing has been great!  We worked through the last days of Jesus’ life just in time for Easter to come.  We want our children to know the real message of Easter – not… Continue reading Contemplating Easter

How Could God Do This?

Betrayed. Nothing else could describe what our son was feeling as we brought him into the clinic and into the room where he would receive the dreadfully anticipated shot that we had tried to prepare him for since about a week prior.  How could his parents do this to him?  He had even been good… Continue reading How Could God Do This?

How Can I Possibly Sleep at a Time Like This??

Girl Toddler Sleep Child Portrait Sweet Baby

Reiterated from Sunday’s message. Click here to listen. We’ve all been there: lying awake at night, our minds swimming in our troubles, emotions aflare, desperate for hope and help, or just downright distressed!  To sleep would be both a blessing and a defeated surrender, yielding to the hopelessness of our troubles and an inevitably terrible… Continue reading How Can I Possibly Sleep at a Time Like This??