The Gospel's Reach

Serve God among your beloved family!

  1. Restored by grace

Nourish redemptive relationships!
Beware of being the worthless servant (Matthew 25:30), but offer yourself to be used by the Lord!
Show grace to others by seeing their value (Philemon 11, 2 Timothy 4:11)!
The gospel is the power of restoration and reconciliation!

  1. Diligent in love

Treasure the church as a community in Christ and the vehicle of the gospel!
Invest yourself in others with hard work and self-sacrifice!
Toil in active prayer for your beloved church family!

  1. Faithful with anonymity

You matter!
Willingly serve behind the scenes in ways big and small!
Serve wholeheartedly in that which God has entrusted to you.
Come alongside one another to carry each other along!