We must celebrate our Faithful God! 1. Focus on promise (not past) 2. Rejoice in hope 3. Anticipate your inheritance 4. Be devoted to your Master
We must trust that Jesus is powerful to redeem! 1. He did what the law could not 2. He is a near kinsman to us 3. He paid our debts…
Jesus bore our curse to bring us blessing! In Christ we receive righteousness 11-12 Righteous = upholding perfect justice Righteousness cannot be accomplished by our moral efforts! (James 2:10) We…

The Gospel’s Reach

September 4, 2022
Serve God among your beloved family! Restored by grace Nourish redemptive relationships! Beware of being the worthless servant (Matthew 25:30), but offer yourself to be used by the Lord! Show…
Hope in God’s merciful intervention! God blesses us with life 20 The human race continues despite our guilty verdict. There is hope! Every breath of life is a blessing from…