Who Told You?

Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight… -Psalm 51:4

Confess your sins to the omniscient Judge!

  1. God covers our shame 7-8, 21

Walk in the light, restoring broken fellowship by confession. (1 John 1)
Men love darkness because they don’t want to be exposed. (John 3:19-21)
God’s garments of salvation (Isaiah 61:10) are far better than our tainted garments (Isaiah 64:6)!

  1. God alleviates our fear 9-10

Fear should drive us TO God rather than FROM Him!
Proper fear of the Lord (Proverbs 1:7) loves His character and hates evil.
We can never hide from God – in thought or deed! (Psalm 139:1-2, 7-8)

  1. God confronts our guilt 11-13

God’s questions penetrate the heart and prompt self-examination.
Confess and forsake sin to find mercy, rather than hiding it! (Proverbs 28:13)
Own your sin without qualification: no excuses, no blame, no defense.


Discussion questions available here.