Together in Communion

Remember our Church Covenant – our promises to one another to obey God’s commands for the church, our commitment to each other’s good and growth, demonstrated in unique and powerful ways!
Don't grow familiar and stagnant in the Lord's Supper!
Our gathering and celebrating the Lord's supper have deep importance and beautiful meaning – not because they earn us anything, but because they are expressions of faith, hope, and love (Heb 10:22-25)
We are shareholders and participants in relationship with God and one another, having fellowship together.

We share together in Christ’s death!

  1. United in forgiveness

What is it that we are remembering?

  • The Lord’s death until He comes (11:26)
  • Jesus’ blood, poured out for the forgiveness of sins (Matthew 26:28)
  • Only the blood of Jesus can take away sins! (Hebrews 10:3-4)
  • The tremendous weight of our sin, and the tremendous mercy in Christ dying and forgiving us! (1 Timothy 1:12-15)
  1. Strengthened in worship

Jesus gave thanks in the face of death.  (11:24)
Our worship is rooted in Jesus’ death as the means of our salvation and relationship with God (John 14:6, Hebrews 10:20)
Worship is all of life (Romans 12:1-2)
But, communal worship is a special blessing, our remembrance together, reminding each other as we proclaim together Jesus’ death to ourselves and to one another!

  1. Preserved in holiness

We must beware of idolatry in our lives – food, money, sex, fame, relationships, success, etc.
Communion together is a call to examine ourselves together (11:27-28) because we are all prone to temptation and sin (10:12)