Pass the Baton

Grace is NOT passive! Grace not only restores us, but grace also empowers us!
God has entrusted His grace for your strength and for your investment.
Be a faithful steward of God’s grace, not burying it for safe-keeping, but multiplying it through others! (Matthew 25:14-30)

Faithfully impart God’s grace to others

  1. Strong in focus 3-4

We are actively at war! (2 Corinthians 10:3-4)
Where are your priorities?
Don’t let distractions deter you from your purpose!
You can please God by suffering well with your fellow soldiers!

  1. Strong in integrity 5

Rules help to define the purpose and keep the bounds.
We need devoted training (1 Corinthians 9:24-27) rather than shortcuts!
What are you striving for?
Contending for the prize is for the Lord’s honor – not our own!

  1. Strong in diligence 6

Invest your intense labor and hard work in anticipation of the harvest!
Press on, even though you cannot control circumstances and you cannot see the results!
How can we endure?
We have stock in the outcome because we are personally invested!


Discussion questions available here.