International Worship

Celebrate God’s gospel plan for every ethnicity!

  1. God is sovereign in salvation

God desires all to be saved! (1 Timothy 2:4)
The gospel is powerful to save anyone who believes. (Romans 1:16)
God’s plan included all nations from the beginning. (Genesis 12:1-3)
God commissions His followers for “show and tell.” (Matthew 5:13-16, 28:18-20)

  1. God is purposeful through pain

God will pour out His wrath in judgment for sin! (Romans 1:18, Revelation 6:17)
God reveals Himself for the sake of repentance. (John 3:17, 36, Romans 2:5)
God’s promises will be fulfilled (2 Peter 3:9), accomplishing judgment and salvation.
Proclaim this gospel to all nations! (Matthew 24:14)

  1. God is worthy of worship 

The only worthy God gives salvation to unworthy sinners!
Praise God for His eternal wisdom, power, and glory that we can enjoy forever!
Praise God as we continue to witness and rejoice in His saving work! (Luke 15:7)
Are you moved to worship by God’s glorious gospel work?