I Told You, "I Am"

Jesus is sovereignly working for good!

  1. Fulfilling the Father’s will 1-11

Notice how serious God is about sin!
“Drink the cup” = participation in that which has been given

  • Cup of suffering (Matt 20:22–23) they would participate
  • Cup of wrath (Revelation 14:10)
    • Wrath we deserved (Rom 1:18) Eph 2:3
    • Wrath He saved us from (Rom 5:9) 1 Th 5:9
  1. Confronting the lost’s hearts 4, 12-14, 29-24

Questions call for examination: what do you really want… and why?
Jesus demonstrates loving His enemies!
The lost are too ready to judge the One who judges their souls (John 8:16).
Those who have heard Jesus are called to be witnesses!

  1. Cultivating the disciples’ faith 9, 15-18, 25-27

Jesus, the Good Shepherd, is keeping His sheep (John 10:12–13, 6:39, 17:12).
In that same night, Peter failed his resolution (John 13:36–38).
Peter was learning to set his mind on God’s things, not man’s (Matt 16:23).
Jesus is growing Peter through the process (Luke 22:32)!