God's Glory & Our Good

Come to Jesus, who works for God’s glory and our good! Jesus shows powerful love 1-16Powerful love emphasizes God’s glory!Love sees the greater good.The safest place is the center of God’s will!Pain is sometimes necessary for our benefit. Jesus is true life 17-27Life is a person: Jesus!Death is overcome in Jesus!Life is found in relationship with Jesus! (Philippians 1:21)Our hope is alive in Jesus (1 Peter 1:3)! Jesus feels deep emotion 28-38Jesus clothes Himself in creation and personally experiences its brokenness.Jesus understands emotion because He feels with us (Hebrews 4:15)!Jesus knows grief (Isaiah 53:3) but gives hope (1 Thessalonians 4:13).Jesus hates death, His enemy! (1 Corinthians 15:26) Jesus has full authority 39-46Jesus has power and authority over life and death.How will you respond to God’s glory displayed?Jesus works for God’s glory, and our good!