Free Indeed

John 8:31-59

Are you truly Jesus' disciple?

Are you truly free... or are you STUCK?

Know God by the light of Jesus!

1. Freed from sin's control

We get stuck when we desire sin more than knowing God!
We get stuck when pleasing “me” is more important than pleasing God!
Free living is living in submission to God’s Word!

2. Freed from Satan's influence

Am I wanting what the devil wants (John 8:44), or what God wants (John 7:17)?
Are my actions shaped by sinful character, truthlessness, and unbelief?
Am I resistant to Jesus and God’s Word?
Satan desires to lead us astray from devotion to Christ! (2 Corinthians 11:3)

3. Freed from death's grip

There is true hope to never experience death!
God’s promises are fulfilled in Jesus the Messiah!
Eternal life is in the eternal Jesus! (John 8:58, 20:31)