Hungry Hearts: Filled with Jesus

John 6:52-71

Resolve to abide in Jesus!

  1. Eagerly longing for the resurrection
  2. Continually growing in faith
  3. Firmly committed to God's Word



What is it to be a committed follower of Jesus?

Resolve to abide in Jesus!

1. Eagerly longing for the resurrection

God has chosen believers in Jesus to spend the rest of eternity with Him!

We will inherit an incorruptible body! (1 Corinthians 15:50)

We get a taste of that new life NOW! (John 6:40, 5:24)

2. Continually growing in faith

We must trust Jesus’ sacrificial death, giving His flesh and blood for us.

We cannot be sustained apart from Jesus!

We don’t physically consume Jesus, but we are filled with Jesus by faith!

3. Firmly committed to God’s Word

Life is in believing God’s Word and coming to Jesus!

Commitment is not in word alone – but in heart, mind, and action.

We are all vulnerable to doubt – how will you remain steadfast?