Six Literal Days

Theistic evolution – belief that God used the process of evolution to create living things, including humans.
Can the Bible and science be reconciled?
Where do we start?

Believe God’s literal creation story!

  1. Genesis is history

God tells us the exact origin of the earth, sun, moon, stars, plants, animals, and humans!
God sets the pattern for a 7-day week.
God creates with appearance of age.
God enables reproduction of each according to its kind.

  1. Genesis is revelation

Beware of reading ideas into Scripture!
Science = knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths
The Bible is the lens by which we can understand life and the world.
God’s Word (including Genesis) is trustworthy, authoritative, inerrant truth.

  1. Genesis is foundational

Theological foundation – Genesis lays the origins of the world, man, woman, marriage, sin, death, and more!
Both Jesus and Paul affirm a literal Genesis.
Literal Genesis significantly shapes your worldview!


Discussion questions available here.