Philippians 1:8-11 Grow in love with your church! Moved with longing Shaped with value Filled with fruit   We share together in the gospel (1:5) and in grace (1:7)!  (That’s fellowship!)…
We must train our desires to serve righteousness! 1. Realize inevitable obedience 2. Practice obeying truth 3. Divert my intense pursuit 4. Aim for better fruit
Bible Text: Romans 5:1-11 | Speaker: Luke Scallon | Series: Guest Speakers | We must rejoice in our identity in Christ. 1. God considers us righteous 2. God considers us…
We must endure the beautiful struggle against sin! 1. Desire righteousness 2. Get frustrated with sin 3. Fight with endurance 4. Cry to Jesus for rescue
We must prepare ourselves for Jesus our bridegroom! 1. Wash yourself 2. Anoint yourself 3. Clothe yourself 4. Present yourself
We must follow the Spirit's leading! 1. with conviction of hope 2. with focus on God 3. with power against sin 4. with security as sons
Our sole infallible authority is God's Word alone! 1. Value God's profitable Word 2. Trust God's inspired Word 3. Train in God's refining Word 4. Persist in God's powerful Word
We must treasure Christ, who brings righteousness near! 1. Build on Christ 2. Love Christ 3. Obey Christ 4. Trust Christ
We must pursue God's righteousness in the gospel! 1. It sets us apart 2. It compels our obedience 3. It unites us as family 4. It's powerful for salvation
We must worship our Creator God in truth! 1. Honor God with our perception 2. Honor God with our hearts 3. Honor God with our bodies 4. Honor God with…
We must fear God our righteous judge! 1. We are accountable to God's Word 2. We are deserving of condemnation 3. We are corrupted by sin 4. We are destructive…
We must humbly cling to the cross by faith! 1. Jesus died for the guilty on the cross 2. Jesus paid my debt on the cross 3. Jesus satisfied God's…