We must celebrate our Faithful God! 1. Focus on promise (not past) 2. Rejoice in hope 3. Anticipate your inheritance 4. Be devoted to your Master
We must confidently cling to God's promises by faith! 1. God gives life by His power 2. God gives hope in the impossible 3. God gives strength in His ability…
We find joy in believing the good news! 1. Jesus transforms all uncertainty 2. Jesus fulfills God's promise 3. Jesus summons the unqualified 4. Jesus gives us Himself

Evil All Around

August 22, 2021
Reading the Old Testament: Examples of what NOT to do (1 Corinthians 10:6-7, 11) Testimonies of faith (Hebrews 11) Instruction in hope (Romans 15:4) Revelation of God’s character and will…