God’s Precious Gift to Me (and You)

I have been moved to joyful gratitude over and over as it has continually impressed upon me what a precious gift God has given to me.  This gift works quietly and behind the scenes to help me be a better person and pastor and to help me do better in life and ministry.  I love this gift that God has given me, and I praise Him, the Giver of all good gifts.

Thank You, Lord, for my wife, Diane!

I have a great trust and confidence in her, and I enjoy the company she gives in being my best friend.  She is patient with me, even when I don’t deserve it, and gives me her best love, care, and support.  She cheers me with her smile.  She is constant in encouragement.  She wants the very best for me.  She is a prayer warrior!

By the grace of God in and through her, Diane serves as a glue that holds me together at many different times.  She notices needs and steps up when things start to go wrong (like yesterday), but even more often she helps to make sure everything runs smoothly, offering her ideas and creative thinking, her constructive criticism and her uplifting encouragement.

She is fully invested to give herself to loving and serving others.  Diane has a genuine interest and care that draws people to her.  She connects well and sees into people to understand them in a unique way.  Children adore and enjoy her too!  Compassion, tenderness, diligence, and determination underscore all that she endeavors to do.

An excellent wife who can find?  She is far more precious than jewels.  The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain.  She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life… a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised (Proverbs 31:10-12, 30b).

Diane has been a blessing to me in big and small ways, sometimes seen, and sometimes behind the scenes (even to me).  She is also a blessing to our church, giving herself to serve with an invested love that impacts and influences in many big and small, seen and unseen ways.  I am humbled and encouraged to have a wife, best friend, and ministry partner like her in my life and by my side.  To God be the glory!