New Life in Jesus
May 30, 2021

New Life in Jesus

Passage: Colossians 3:1-4
Service Type:

BAD NEWS: Because of our sin, we are hopelessly guilty before God.
GOOD NEWS: Because Jesus died for us, God offers forgiveness to any who trust Jesus as Savior! (Col 1:13-14)

We are raised with Jesus to newness of life!

  1. Jesus gives us new identity 1a, 3

Baptism portrays a gospel picture. (Colossians 2:12)

  • Baptism cannot save
  • Baptism cannot change

Trusting in Jesus makes me a new creation! (2 Corinthians 5:17)

  • Jesus paid sin’s penalty for me
  • Jesus broke sin’s power in me
  1. Jesus gives us new meaning 1-2

What are you pursuing with your life?
Throw out your old way of thinking:

  • How I live DOES matter!
  • Life is about far more than earthly success or pleasure.
  • I can do nothing to earn God’s acceptance.

God charges us to pursue greater purpose!

  1. Jesus gives us new hope 4

Our hope is in Jesus’ glory, not ours!

  • Despite our circumstances. (Romans 8:35)
  • Despite our excuses. (Romans 1:20)
  • Despite our failures. (Romans 8:1)

Jesus is our life! (1 John 5:12, Phil 1:21)


What are you pursuing with your life?

Baptism portrays a gospel picture.
Baptism reminds us of our gospel charge.
Trust Jesus as Savior – the only way, truth, and life, who came to seek and save the lost, and offer forgiveness of sins
Follow Jesus as Lord – who leads us into joy and hope we cannot comprehend!