Motivated for Mission
February 9, 2020

Motivated for Mission

Passage: Matthew 28:16-20
Service Type:

God calls us to BE disciples MAKING disciples, in all of life!

1. Driven by worship

2. Driven by belief

3. Driven by authority

4. Driven by urgency


Discussion questions available here.




What is success to you?

On what basis do you define success?

Basis of the Great Commission:

  • Jesus is alive!
  • Jesus is coming again!

God calls us to BE disciples MAKING disciples, in all of life!

1. Driven by worship

The Great Commandments (Matthew 22:37-40) empower us in the Great Commission!

Passionate worship is contagious!

Disciples long for Jesus’ presence – to see Him and be near Him!

Our worship of Jesus instills us with His heart for the lost (Luke 19:10).

2. Driven by belief

What characterizes you?

  • Our beliefs shape us.
  • Actions demonstrate beliefs.

Baptism portrays a change in identity because of a change in belief.

Do I really believe that what I believe is really real?

3. Driven by authority

Jesus’ authority is not about a new rulebook, but our empowerment through obedience!

Jesus demonstrated His powerful authority in His resurrection (Romans 1:4) and shared it with the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8)!

We grow as disciples and reproduce disciples through teaching (2 Timothy 2:2)!

4. Driven by urgency

God uses us where we are, in the midst of our life context!

As you go…

  • But you need to move! (It takes action)
  • But you need to speak up! (Faith comes by hearing)

Are you too busy for what matters most? (*Luke 10:29-37*)