What’s the Gospel Worth to You?

In God’s amazing, deep riches of wisdom and unfathomable ways, He uses the persecution of His people to promote the gospel rather than hinder it!  It seems counterintuitive; yet, attempts to silence Jesus’ disciples with ridicule, hatred, and even violence has the effect of throwing fuel on a fire, instead igniting an unstoppable movement for the good news!

The gospel prevails through persecution because the power lies in the evident value of the gospel to all who endure its cost.  Thus, we see how a transformed life stirs up both persecution from the lost and influence over the lost.

Want to be happy?

Try having a meek, poor, mourning spirit, characterized by mercy, purity, and peace.  That is, live against the grain, steering counter to the world and its pursuits.  Instead, let God define life, purpose, marriage, morality, our needs, and even happiness.  The world says we need more of self:  be yourself; follow your heart; be true to yourself; grow in self-esteem… Yet Jesus tells us in Matthew 16:24 to deny ourselves.  The Lord urges us in Proverbs 3:5 that we ought never lean on our own understanding.  Jesus says in Matthew 5:3-6 that we need to empty ourselves so that we starve instead for His righteousness.

Don’t Take My Word for It

The Bible says plainly that when persecution came, the gospel spread.  Read Acts 8:4 and 12, and Acts 11:19-21.  Following Stephen’s execution for preaching Jesus as the only hope for sin, the disciples were spread about, but preached the gospel as they went… and many responded in faith!

Read Philippians 1:12-14.  Paul has been arrested for preaching the gospel.  Maybe that will stop him once and for all!  But as he wrote in 1 Corinthians 9:16, necessity is laid upon me. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!  So he encourages the Philippians that his arrest has actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel.  He’s even telling the guards about Jesus.  We’re told the story of one jailer and his family trusting Jesus (Acts 16:29-34).  Not only that, but others have grown confident and bold since Paul’s arrest!

Why?  How?

Once again, the gospel prevails through persecution because the power lies in the evident value of the gospel to all who endure its cost.  To see someone who cherishes Jesus, His words, His purpose, and His character, so deeply, weighs heavily upon the mind and heart!  How much value must they be, if someone is willing to give up not only their selfish pursuits, but also endure the ridicule and pain others would inflict on him?

That’s a salty life that both draws out the flavor of the gospel and stings in the wounds of the lost, that has the power to incite a desire for Jesus and the power to arouse fury against His followers.

That’s a light shining brightly and prominently, exposing the deeds of sinful man and revealing the hope of a crucified and risen Savior.

Paul describes the gospel’s value as the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:14).  Peter refers to the faith that is more precious than gold (1 Peter 1:7).  What’s the gospel worth to you?